Saturday, 22 March 2014

NASA Ringmakers of Saturn - UFO Disclosure or Leak ?

On January 30, WRFX-FM, Charlotte, North Carolina featured an interview with a NASA scientist, Dr. Norman Bergrun. His book, The Ring-Makers of Saturn, reveals that NASA's Voyager I (1980) and II space-probes of Saturn's rings took photographs of an estimated 7000-mile-long elliptical (cigar-shaped) craft orbiting in the rings. In 2006 Cassini probe orbits North & South poles of Saturn showing a hexagon with depth which they learn is a giant CUBE and the S Pole has a storm in shape of ALL SEEING EYE. Now Cassini is orbiting the rings at close range and capture planet size objects hovering within rings unlike ice & rock debris, these objects are making their owns colors of rings and they are captured leaving the rings and dumping contrails in their wake then return to the rings .

*Titan moon has atmosphere closest to earth of any body in solar system.
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